Height: 1.67m (16.2hh)
Coat: Black
Year of birth: 2013
Aptitude: Suitable for dressage.
Recommended for competing in the show ring.
Conformation: Beauty, true to type, expression, height, coat, great paces and impressive carriage.
Temperament: Full of nobility and class.
Filántropo is a magnificent black horse bred at Valdeolivas Stud, offspring of the famous Trovador and for many the best black stallion around right now with stock-improving capabilities.
From his dam QUILATE XI he inherits the Cerrado en Bocado traits, endowing him with particular expressiveness.
The result is a horse with so much “spirit” and class, with beautiful and expressive movement.
We believe that the interest of this horse is the spark he adds that some of us miss in horses today, and not only for those who love his black coat.
Spain and EU
Fee: 350 euros.
Extractions: 100 euros.
Shipping costs payable.