Height: 1.69m (16.3hh)
Coat: Cremello
Year of birth: 2004
Aptitude: Classical dressage
Confirmation: Well-proportioned, straight movement, good back and hind-quarters.
Temperament: Passes on his good temperament to his progeny.
Sports Horse (CDE) from a central European backgound (Holland) and a physique that is hardly ever found in horses displaying cream genes.
He already stands out above other competitors thanks to his height as well as his true to type convex profile, also hard to find with this colour coat. From a physical point of view we are speaking of a well-proportioned horse, a very straight mover, with good shoulders, good back, good hindquarters.
He moves athletically and extends very well in all his paces.
In our view he will interest those looking for cream dilute offspring thanks to his double dilute gene, which will produce for sure, when crossed with colours other than grey, that the mother’s coat will be diluted.
MC1R | ee |
CREMA | Cr Cr” |
Spain and EU
Fee: 150 euros.
Shipping costs payable.
Certificado de cubrición: Incluido